Bloom Brixton – 3,910 – 35,417 Sq. Ft. High Specification, Best in Class Industrial Scheme
Brixton, London SW2 1SD
Unit A
7,877 Sq. Ft.
Unit B
3,910 Sq. Ft.
Unit C
11,112 Sq. Ft.
Unit D
6,504 Sq. Ft.
Unit E
6,014 Sq. Ft.
- Arriving in London Q3 2023
- Purpose built, ultra-urban industrial site consisting of five units that total 35,360 Sq. Ft. of best in class space
- High spec units delivered by best in class developer 'Bloom Developments'
- Highly sustainable features including a targeted EPC of A+
- 5 to 5.5m clear internal height meter eaves throughout
- PV panels
- EV charging points
- Enhanced power capacity in situ - 500 kVA
- 24 hour operation
- Level access loading
- Goods lift access to first floor warehouse and office accommodation
- All possess self contained yards